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Examples of Road Rage

Everyone has been there at one point or another - you're going to be late for work, so you better hurry up. Your child is running late for football practice.

You were asked to stay behind for an extra hour and complete some more work at your job, and your family is eager to have supper. Whatever the case may be, you're behind the wheel of your automobile and not in the best of moods. When you're running late, worried, and don't want to be on the road longer than necessary.

As you're driving home, the automobile next to you changes lanes quickly, causing you to slam on your brakes. Your blood begins to boil! The veins on your forehead are popping out!

Your temper flares up, and you begin pounding the steering wheel. Fortunately, no one was harmed, but you're LIVID.

The Highway Hero Driving Academy staff wants you to know that one of the primary causes of accidents is aggressive driving and road rage. Let's examine road rage and aggressive driving in further detail.

What Is Road Rage?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), road rage is when "a person commits a series of moving traffic violations to endanger other people or property."

Highway Hero Driving Academy staff has identified some examples of road rages such as speeding, tailgating, unsafe lane changes, running red lights, ignoring other drivers, failing to yield the right of way, driving recklessly, and disregarding the rights of other road users purposely.

What To Do When You See Road Rage

Here are some tips to keep you and your loved ones safe from road rage behavior:

  1. Maintain a calm and unfazed demeanor at all times.

  2. Attempt to remove yourself from harm's path securely.

  3. Let go of your ego. Speeding, braking, and staying in your lane are all ways to fight off an aggressive driver.

  4. Always wear your seatbelt and encourage others to do so as well.

  5. Remember: they're not worth your time.

  6. You can report aggressive drivers by submitting a vehicle description, location, license plate number, and direction of travel to the police if required.

  7. If the aggressive motorist is involved in any collision, stay at least a safe distance away from the scene.

Road Rage vs. Aggressive Driving

Even though they share many characteristics, road rage and aggressive driving are not the same. An attack on a person or vehicle in response to an incident in traffic, as defined by the National Safety Council (NSC), is known as "road rage." In this case, you're converting your car into a weapon to injure others or their property. It is more common for men than women to exhibit road rage. Guns are used 37% of the time. As a result, it's imperative that you avoid escalating the issue. Approximately half of the drivers who are the victims of road rage respond in kind by becoming more aggressive.

Sound Off

How do you avoid exhibiting road rage when you're frustrated? Let us know in the comment section below!

89 views8 comments


Taquarius Metcalf
Taquarius Metcalf
Jul 31, 2022

I avoid road rage by laughing at people.


Laggin Returns
Laggin Returns
Jul 31, 2022

I will just pull over and take a deep breath


Jul 31, 2022

By breathing in and out

Jul 31, 2022
Replying to



Korde Carter
Korde Carter
Jul 31, 2022

I can avoid exhibiting road rage by remembering the consequences of doing it to use it as a deterrence.


Brody Turnipseed
Brody Turnipseed
Jul 31, 2022

I would pull over for a while or let someone else drive.

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